V 5.2 is the communication protocol defined by ETSI in the ETS 300 347 standard. V 5.2 is valid for both ISDN and POTS (analog telephony) and is used for transporting telephone subscribers of the main switchboard to remote points over TDM trunks.
The central telephone exchange is connected to Access Nodes (AN) via V5.2 ports (E1). Access Node units transmit the subscribers of the switchboard to remote points (field cabinet, station, etc.). V 5.2 ISDN signaling, a new generation protocol, supports features such as CLID. In this way, subscribers can use all the features of the central exchange although there is no telephone exchange at remote points. The application saves on the number of switchboards and remote point connection equipment.
- Provides analog access (PSTN) and ISDN access
- Supports general control, link control, port control, protection, BCC protocols, PSTN and ISDN messages
- Signal conversion capability between V5.2 LE protocol with all signaling it supports
- Transport of ETSI FSK CLIP information from LE to AN is supported
- V5.2 LE, V5.2 AN and other signaling protocols can be mixed in a single exchange
- When desired, it is possible to identify some subscribers as a part of AN in the same switchboard, and the remaining subscribers can work as normal switchboard subscribers.
- A very special capability unique to Telesis telephone exchanges is the ability to mix the V5.2 protocol and other signaling systems on the same exchange. On the same Telesis telephone exchange:
- Any subscribers (with some E1 links) can be programmed as AN units of another exchange
- The desired E1 links can be connected to other AN equipment using the V5.2 LE protocol
- The desired subscriber and trunk interfaces can resume normal switchboard operation as before
- Keymile supports UMUX 1200 and UMUX 1500 V5.2 protocol.